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Using a non toxic top quality Resin for my Artwork is incredibly important to me and my chosen 2 part epoxy is produced by a company called ArtResin. 

Epoxy resins are prone to yellowing and other degradative effects from UV light, so stabilization additives are used to help mediate the damage. A UV stabilizer works to protect against gloss loss, cracking, chalking and de-lamination, and to some extent yellowing. A UV stabilizer merely delays yellowing in resins, so ArtResin has a HALS (hindered amine light stabilizer) added for extremely efficient long term yellowing protection.


I use various quality powders and acrylics to achieve the vibrant and depth of colour I desire for my Artwork.

Green Pool

Green Pool

Resin with a mix of resin pigments and acrylic paint to create the incredible colours found in Prism Geysers.

Giant Blue

Giant Blue

Resin with a mix of resin pigments and acrylic paint to create the incredible colours found in Prism Geysers.

Blue Pool

Blue Pool

Resin with a mix of resin pigments and acrylic paint to create the incredible colours found in Prism Geysers.

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